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Poly Blackwire C5220 Headset Wired Head-band Office USB Type-A Black, AudioJack 3.5mm, Hi-Fi Stereo, Enhanced Digital Signal Processing (DSP), Noise-canceling Microphone, Red (Per Call center)

Kufje profesionale me bllokim te zhurmave dhe ze kristal i paster fale teknologjise Noise-Cancelling. Lidhje me USB dhe vend Jack per celular Certifikuar per programet me te njohura si Teams, Zoom, etj. Krijuar per ato profesioniste qe komunikojne gjithe diten. Cilesi e muzikes dhe komunikimit perfekte pa degjuar zhurmat e ambientit perreth. Buton direkt nga kufja ju mundeson Bllokimin e mikrofonit (Mute) nga operatori, qe mos te degjohen bisedat.
SKU 207576-201
Ngjyra E zezë
Specifikime Teknike
  Marka Poly
  Modeli Blackwire 5220
  Tipi i lidhjes USB 2.0
  • Ideal for all-day use, long conference calls and listening to multimedia
  • Noise canceling microphone masks nearby talkers for maximum call privacy
  • Available in monaural (Blackwire 5210) or hi-fi stereo with passive noise reduction (Blackwire 5220)
  • Variants include universal USB or USB-C
  • Connectivity to smartphone and tablet via 3.5 mm
  • One-touch call answer/end, volume +/- and mute
  • PC wideband audio with noise-canceling microphones for high-quality PC telephony
  • Plantronics Manager Pro, an additional purchase, enables your IT team to gain insight into every compatible
  • Plantronics headset being used company-wide
  Ngjyra E zeze
  Gjatesia e kabllit 2m
  SKU 207576-201
  Garanci 12 Muaj
Ngjyra E zezë
Marka Poly (Plantronics)
Komunikimi USB 2.0
Garancia 12 Muaj
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Po shqyrtoni: Poly Blackwire C5220 Headset Wired Head-band Office USB Type-A Black, AudioJack 3.5mm, Hi-Fi Stereo, Enhanced Digital Signal Processing (DSP), Noise-canceling Microphone, Red (Per Call center)
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